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American Made Apparel & Veteran Roasted Coffee! Order Today!!

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Written by Justin Pearson


Posted on May 16, 2022

When it comes to buying a product, it’s important to know who you support. This is particularly true with coffee. There are countless big companies that have policies that hurt their employees and their own country’s economy by investing overseas. Furthermore, these global corporations create poverty abroad, exploiting poor working conditions around the world.

This is why it’s always good to know who makes your coffee, so you know you’re not giving our money to something or someone that you don’t support. 

Among all the options, veteran-made coffee is about as American as it can get! Veteran-made coffee does not mean simply veteran-owned, which is a good thing on its own. We’re talking about veteran-owned, veteran-roasted, veteran-packaged coffee! 

Proper Patriot now has veteran-made coffee!

Proper Patriot is proud to provide our coveted patriotic coffee as morning fuel to "Honor Our American Spirit" for those that love our country. Our coffee is roasted right here in the USA by a Veteran family. We greatly appreciate all your support!

Why Buy Veteran Made Coffee?

Know the difference and benefits in supporting veteran-made coffee, rather than the big corporate chains.

Veteran Operated

When we say veteran-made coffee, we mean it. This coffee is roasted, ground, packaged and even shipped by veterans. Our employees are 100% all veterans. 

In other words, veterans are serving you all over again by providing you with your morning coffee. Buying veteran-made coffee, then, would mean you supporting them back. 

Veteran Roasted

If you look at the market of coffee today, you’ll see an enormous amount of coffee that is roasted in big facilities that are worked largely via machines. These machines have settings inputted in them from the start; this makes the roasts rather similar and bland. 

We have real people doing all the work. We have actual American veterans behind our roasts, and rest assured that they like their coffee just as we like ours - because they’re Americans, just like us. 

We craft our coffee based on people and their tastes, not on some algorithm that tells us what roast is going to be better. Like our American dark roast, for example, a work of art, if we say so ourselves.

Made in the USA

We mentioned earlier how a big problem in the coffee business today is some companies’ unwillingness to do business in the US. They do this because, since most of the world’s coffee is grown overseas in South America or Indonesia for the most part, they would rather do as much of their business there. 

Why? We know the answer - because it’s cheaper. This takes away jobs from our economy, which are always in need. More so by veterans: a veteran who’s served our country should never, ever struggle to find employment. That’s one of the main reasons why we created Proper Patriot. 

But it is also bad for the countries that produce the coffee. Because coffee farmers already live in a state of poverty, these companies do everything in their power to pay them as little as possible. 

Many coffee-farming regions and communities have trouble accessing basic utilities like running water or are located very far away from schools for their children. Their quality of life is very low. It is not a good look for American companies to perpetuate poverty in other countries. 

Coffee For Patriots, By Patriots

It tastes better because it’s the right thing to do. How many people can boast that they are being patriotic and troop-supporting by drinking a cup of delicious coffee? That’s right - not many! 

Well, you can be. You do the right thing not just because it’s right, but because it feels better. And we made sure that our coffee tastes delicious, too! It’s a win-win.

We hope you’ll try out some of the brand new coffee launched by Proper Patriot, and let us know what you think!

Veteran-Owned Coffee

Here are a few other articles you should check out: 


Photo credit: Getty/dannikonov




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